Articles and Links

Writing about caregiving on assignment and need an interview subject? Looking for a freelance story about senior care and/or related issues? Rick Lauber has been interviewed for newspaper and magazine articles, guested on blogtalk radio shows, and featured on television news programs. Rick Lauber has also contributed to numerous prominent caregiving websites.

Be A Healthy Caregiver Blogtalk Radio Show

CTV Edmonton News

TCN (The Caregiver Network)

TCN (The Caregiver Network)

The Caregiver Space

Chicken Soup for The Soul

Spruce Grove Examiner / Stony Plain Reporter

49th Shelf

Las Vegas Review-Journal

Caregiver Solutions Magazine

Wellness Magazine

St. Albert Gazette





Caregiver's Guide for Canadians

A superbly written and well documented book that guides the reader through typical eldercare issues provided by professional and private caregivers. Rick Lauber is a Canadian author who offers a comprehensive guide to care of our loved ones in their "greying" years, including resources, checklists, and worksheets. The author packs this little gem with practical advice such as wills, trusteeships, guardianships, driving and home safety, mobility aids, hospital visits, accommodation, travel, demographic charts, ideas for gifts, special occasions, the best times to visit one's loved one, activities and support groups, finances, and much more. There is also a section on avoiding burnout. This invaluable book is a must for the one in five Canadians who are providing or will provide care to an elderly parent.

— Kenna McKinnon

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