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Breaking the Code: How Do You Define Caregiving?
This is Morse Code for “caregiving”: -.-. .-
7 Comments NOT to Say to an Alzheimer’s Caregiver
Hard as it may seem to imagine the charismatic Churchill ever stumbling when speaking; however, we are all at risk of saying something we later regret…
5 Ways for Caregivers to Make This Year Better Than Last
Happy New Year! ‘Tis the time for many of us to look ahead and plan annual goals so as to work, live, feel and/or look better…
Changing Christmas Customs for Caregivers
It was a tradition for Dad to share a rendition of this seasonal poem with our family. My two sisters and I would gather around and hang on every word he uttered (I can still remember his soothing baritone voice)…
Giving Away for National Family Caregiver Month
What should you do when your mother or father grows old? It’s the natural course of life, but so many children of aging parents are caught unprepared…
Your Help to a Caregiver is Far More Valuable than Well-Meaning Words
When serving as a co-caregiver for both of my aging parents, I heard these, and many other similar statements routinely from others in my social and professional circles…
Continuing With Your Own Life After Another’s Life is Over: Rick Lauber’s Story
A loved one’s death can be traumatic and tragic. It can mark the end of a frequently challenging caregiving journey where family members and others will have provided help and support…